FLCC Foundation Scholarship Workshop
Thursday, February 27, 2025
Join the FLCC Foundation and Write Place for tacos and help with completing scholarship applications.
The second annual FLCC Foundation Scholarship Workshop, sponsored by the Write Place, will assist students in completing the FLCC scholarship application process. There are over 100 scholarships available to students here at FLCC.
Write Place tutors will be available to help brainstorm and write scholarship essay prompts. Students should bring laptops if they are able to. A taco bar will be available for those who would like to eat.
For online access, visit flcc.webex.com/meet/andrea.constable.
Event Location
Main Campus
3325 Marvin Sands Dr, Canandaigua, NY 14424
For more details on reaching your event, review our FLCC driving directions and campus maps.